Practice Questions from chapter 1 and 2

MAY 21, 2020




Q.1  Plant Superintendent belongs to ----------------level of management.  (1)
Q.2  Coordination and Cooperation are synonymous. (True/False).  (1)
Q.3 Management is essential for successful running of an enterprise. How?
     a) Management helps in achieving group goals.
     b) Management creates a dynamic organization.
     c) Management helps in the development of society.
     d) All of these.                                                                            (1)
Q.4 Match the columns for identifying the management functions by using the given options:
       1) It involves monitoring organization performance                             A. PLANNING
            towards attainment of organizational goals.                                      B. CONTROLLING
       2) Deciding in advance what to do and how to do.                                 C. DIRECTING
            Choose the correct option:
a)      1-C        2-A
b)     1-A        2-C
c)      1-B         2-A
d)     1-C         2-B                                                                            (1)
   Q.5 Sanak and Gagan started their career in Wales Ltd (a printing press) after going through
           a rigorous recruitment process. Since they had no prior work experience, the firm
          decided to give them one year to prove themselves. The principle of management
          followed by Wales Ltd is  ------------------.                                                                               (1)
   Q.6 Principles of management have been developed on the basis of -------------.              (1)
   Q.7  Principles of management are not:
         a) Applicable only in large firms.
         b) mainly behavioural
         c) Flexible
         d) Contingent.             (1)
    Q.8 Management principles have gained importance with ----------------. (1)
    Q.9 Indian Railways has launched a new broad gauge solar power train which is going to be
           a path breaking leap towards making trains greener and more environment friendly.
           The solar power DEMU (Diesel Electric Multiple Unit) has 6 trailer coaches and is
            expected to save about 21000 litres of diesel and ensure a cost saving of Rs 12 lakh
            per year. Identify and explain the objectives of management achieved by Indian
           Railways in the above case. (3)
  Q.10 The management of Vrinda Ltd. strongly believes that the members of an organization
            should work towards fulfilling the common organizational goals. This requires team
            work and integration of efforts of all individuals, departments and specialists. This is
           because all the individuals and departments depend on each other for information and
           resources to perform their respective activities. Managers need to reconcile differences
           in approach, timing, effort or interest. At the same time it should enable all its
           members to grow and develop. Thus, there is a need to harmonise individual goals
           and organizational goals.
a)      Identify and explain the concept of management discussed above.
b)     State the characteristic of management which is reflected from the above para. (3)
   Q.11 Gopal, a manager of A Ltd. believes that the degree of concentration of authority or
            its dispersal will depend upon the situations and circumstances of each enterprise.
a)      What characteristic of nature of principles of management is highlighted in the above case?
b)     Explain the principle of management is highlighted here? Explain.  (3)
      Q.12  ----------- is an example of personal objective.  (1)
Q.13 Management is an universal activity. (True/False) (1)
Q.14 Efficiency means:
      a) Doing the task with minimum cost.
      b) Deriving more benefits by using less resources.
      c) Doing the task correctly.
      d) All of the above.             (1)
Q.15Match the columns for identifying the management functions by using the given options:
       1) It involves instructing, guiding, motivating and leading people     A. ORGANISING
           in such a manner so as to achieve organizational goals.                   B. DIRECTING
       2) It involves identifying activities, grouping tasks and forming         C. STAFFING
            departments, establishing authority, responsibility
            relationships among them.
a)      1-C        2-A
b)     1-A        2-C
c)      1-B         2-A
d)     1-C         2-B                                                                            (1)
   Q.16Principles of management equip the managers to foresee the cause and effect                         relationships  of their decisions and actions so that the wastage associated with  a trial and         error approach can be overcome. The point of significance of principles
   of management highlighted here is ------------------.    (1)
   Q.17 In an organization, each person should be scientifically selected. Then work assigned
          should suit his physical, mental and intellectual capabilities. To increase efficiency,
          they should be given the required training. Efficient employees would produce more
          and earn more. Which of the following principles of management is highlighted above?
a)      Science, not rule of thumb.
b)     Division of work
c)      Development of each and every person to his or her greatest efficiency and prosperity.
d)     Remuneration of employees.                         (1)
   Q18“Individual principles of management are like different tools serving different purposes.   
            The manager has to decide which tool to use under what circumstances.” State the
             characteristic of nature of management principles highlighted above.  (1)
    Q.19 The principles of -----------maintains coordination between various departments.(1)
    Q.20One of the objectives of management is to consistently create economic value for
           various constituents of the society. Explain this objective of management by giving
          any two examples.       (3)
    Q.21 In a company, the marketing department’s objective is to increase sales by 10% by
               offering discounts. But, the finance department does not approve of such discounts
              as it means loss of revenue. These kinds of conflict arise in organizations because of
               the lack of one of the concepts of management.
a)      Identify and explain the concept of management highlighted above.
b)     State the characteristic of management the company is violating.   (3)
     Q.22 Management principles enable managers to learn from past mistakes and conserve
              time by solving recurring problems quickly. As such management principles increase
              managerial efficiency. For example, a manager can leave routine decision- making to
              his subordinates and deal with exceptional situations which require his or her
a)      State the point of significance of principles of management highlighted above.
b)     Explain the principles of management highlighted above.    (3)
      Q.23 ‘Scientific Management means knowing exactly what you want men to do and
                 seeing that they do it in the best and the cheapest way.” Taylor developed
                 various techniques for application of Scientific Management Principles and
                 was able to achieve a three-fold increase in productivity in B. Steel Company
                 where he worked. One of the techniques helps to determine the number of
                 workers to be employed, frame suitable incentive schemes and labour costs.
                 Another technique recognizes those workers who are able to accomplish
                 the fair day’s work and is based on the premise that efficiency is the result
                 of the joint efforts of the managers and the workers. Quoting the lines from
                 the above paragraph, identify and explain the two techniques of Scientific
                 Management.         (4)



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